Highlights include:
JANESVILLE - Members of Veterans for Peace and the Rock Valley Fellowship of Reconciliation rallied on Milton Avenue in Janesville on Saturday April 6, 2013, receiving a great deal of support from passersby.
VOLK FIELD - On Tuesday, March 26, Wisconsin activists held their monthly vigil at Volk field. The next regular monthly vigil against killer drones at Camp Williams/Volk Field takes place April 23, 3:30 – 4:30. For more information, contact joyfirst5@gmail.com. SEE PICTURES AND AN ACCOUNT OF THE 4/23 DEMONSTRATION
Read more about the vigils at Volk Field and putting the drones on trial in Wisconsin.
MILWAUKEE - Thursday, April 11, 2013 time to be determined, at National Guard grounds at 55th and Silver Spring Dr. For more information, contact Don Timmerman at don2roberta@yahoo.com (Watch for more information on this.)
MADISON- March and work on U.S. Drone quilt project, 4/20 at 11 A.M., a march begins on the library mall and terminates at the capitol.
EAGLE RIVER - Monday, April 22, 2013, 6:30-8:30PM, "Tracking Drones: Because the Drone War is Not Going Away! Mary Jo Berner, creator of the KILLING BY REMOTE CONTROL: DRONE WARFARE SERIES, will lead a discussion on the latest developments in our government's secretive drone program,. You're invited to bring information on drones to share with the group and enhance the discussion. Many Ways of Peace, a resource center for peace and nonviolence, 217 S. Main St., Eagle River, WI 54521 More information: www.manywaysofpeace.org or call 715.480.4697.
(Add additional Wisconsin events to the master list of national April Days of Action actions.)
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